QikQik, the mobile phone-based video-streaming service favored by blogger Robert Scoble, is coming to the Windows Mobile platform.

At one time this was only available for Nokia phones like the overpriced N95 ($500 unlocked). The Qik service will soon be rolled out for the millions of Windows smartphones now on the market, such as the Samsung Blackjack (free with activation) according to Qik co-founder Bhaskar Roy.

Qik is still in private beta, but it will be offered soon as a Windows open download. Qik is looking to partner up with other carriers in hopes of getting Qik preinstalled on phones.

Qik turns anyone with a capable mobile phone into an on-the-spot live reporter. The service also records its live streams so users can view events after the fact.

As VentureBeat says, don’t get too excited. We’re expecting a new 3G iPhone on Tuesday, and who knows what cool video capability will be built into it.