Facebook and WOT (Web of Trust) go together like peanut butter and jelly. The WOT Firefox and Internet Explorer add-on can help you stay safer from the dangers on Facebook. We all love to share links on Facebook with our friends and family, but sometimes we don’t know the dangers of what we are sharing and that’s where WOT comes in.

WOT (Web of Trust) is a browser add-on that proactively let’s you know the reputation of a web site. The WOT add-on provides an easy to read indicator next to each link on your wall, letting you know if a link is safe or dangerous (pictured below). In addition to WOT keeping you safer on Facebook, it also provides reputation ratings on search engine results (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.), Twitter and for shortened URLs.

Facebook and WOT

How does WOT rate a sites reputation?

WOT is powered by a large community of millions of trustworthy users who have rated millions of websites based on their experiences and findings. This community is what makes WOT so powerful and diverse.

If you mistakenly click on a link with a poor reputation that has a red circle indicator, you will get a screen that will protect you from continuing on to the site as pictured below. To leave a site that has been rated with a poor reputation, just close the browser window, tab or click on your browsers back button.

WOT Reputation Advisory

The WOT add-on for Firefox and Internet Explorer is free and I highly recommend this add-on. I have been a Web of Trust member since January 2009 and I never surf the web without it!

To download the Web of Trust (WOT) add-on visit http://www.mywot.com.