Back in September of 2001, I weighed a hefty 255lbs, but with a healthy diet and exercise I lost over 100 pounds by July 30th 2002 and weighed 154lbs. I totally changed my life, and trust me it was a lot of work and dedication. I worked out 6 to 7 days per week, 1.5 hours per day, but I did it. Today, I weigh 167lbs, and I feel good, but my goal is to be 158lbs by August.

You may think that eating no fat, low carb foods will help in weight loss, but you’re wrong. You want to know why? Your body is a machine that will adjust to caloric intake. What this means is that empty calories will force your body to adjust accordingly.

If you’re eating fat free, low carbs foods and your calorie intake is 1000 per day, your body will adjust itself to burning only 1000 calories per day. It’s much smarter to get your body to burn at a higher rate, and lowering your fat and carb intake for greater weight loss.

Your body and muscles are machines that have memory, and both will adjust to your eating habits. It’s time that you eat that lean red meat instead of white meat to obtain greater protein absorption, and increased metabolism. Lean red meat is only 8 grams of fat per 4 ounces.

Avoid foods that are fat free as this will slow your calorie burn rate. It’s better to eat natural foods with natural ingredients and eat smaller portions. Your body doesn’t know how to handle certain chemicals.

It’s very important to eat at least 6 meals per day to keep your metabolism active. The best approach is to eat more at the beginning of your day and decrease your portions as the day progresses. I can tell you that breakfast is the key meal of the day for your metabolism to kick starts itself. Avoiding breakfast will slow down your metabolic rate and your body will begin to store more fat.

There’s no need to join a gym or starve to lose weight. It’s a lifestyle change that last forever and the results will come before you know it. Start off with walking 3 days per week for 1 mile per walk. After one month increase your walk to 2 miles per walk. Make sure you walk at least 50% faster than you normally do. This will speed up your heart rate and give you a good Cardio workout.