You’ll be playing Duke Nukem 3D on Xbox Live Arcade next Wednesday September 24th, 3D Realms has revealed.

Hidden in the Game Trailer is a tiny update that Duke Nukem 3D will be available to download on Xbox Live Arcade next Wednesday, September 24 (skip to the news update part).

It looks like 3D Realms getting good at sticking to plans. There’s no word on pricing but expect it to be annouced this week.

The good news is that Duke 3D is getting some good reviews. OXM in the US went as far to call it the ultimate version.

“Like Doom before it, Duke Nukem 3D was a juggernaut in the adolescence of the first-person shooter. And also like Doom, it stands tall as a fantastic FPS on a system full of great shooters,” reads OXM’s review, though they get stuck on the puzzles by the sounds of it.

Eight player ‘Dukematch’ is addictive as ever says OXM, bolstered with a fleshed out lobby system that keeps you and your friends together after matches.

“The only part of Duke’s gameplay that fails the 2008 test is its reliance on annoying three and four-switch puzzles you must ‘solve’ to proceed,” the review continues, adding that the bumper-activated weapon cycling can also cause problems.

“Nevertheless, these niggles don’t keep Duke from greatness,” adds OXM. “The one-liners and parodies are still funny, the level design is outstanding, then inventory items are genius and the weapon stash remains one of the genres most unique and fun to wield…”